Ahh! Those freshly sharpened pencil smell is in the air and so is the smell of freshly bound course reading material. Fall is coming in soon, which means it’s the start of school! It’s time to let your skin recover from the summer sun and to take in the incoming fall breeze, and here’s how:
1) Moisturizer & Makeup: One of our favorite reasons summer is over is that you can wear more makeup and won’t expect it to run.  However, now that school is starting and it’s all a different semester, let’s try something new.  Don’t put so much makeup that it looks caked on.  Remember, lots of makeup can clog your pores, thus creating a breakout of pimples.  And of course, remember that before applying any makeup, moisturize your skin with moisturizer that is at least 15 SPF.
2) Keep Clean to Avoid Skin Infections: For those going to college or dropping off your child at college, living in the dorm or a student apartment is more of a reason to be aware of possible skin infections.  Keep your hands clean and before you hit the bench press or the elliptical, be sure you clean the area and equipment.  Remember, everyone else will be working toward making that team sport or prepping early for Spring Break. In  the community shower, be sure to wear sandals.  These cautionary details go a long way!
3) Dark Circles: Who would have thought that your average potato, so delicious when you fry it, would be able to fix those dark, puffy circles we get after a long night of studying or after a long day in general. Â Because of the natural bleaching elements found in raw potatoes, this can lighten the dark circles and reduce puffiness. Â To obtain as much juice as possible, grate a couple of potatoes and with a cotton ball or a cotton facial pad, soak up some of the juice and dab it over the dark circles. Â Let the juice cover your eyelids and the dark circles. Â For about 15 mins., let the juice settle, then wash your face with water. Â Make this routine twice a day for about three weeks.
4) Back-To-School Facial: Advanced Skin and Body Solutions currently has a special on this  corrective treatment for all those preparing to hit the books and even those already needing a break from the stress of it all.  This facial provides balance of hydration and acne treatment to look your best this semester.  It will also provide a more clear complexion for oily and acne prone skin, especially for those uneven tans. For the best results, this facial should be completed in a series of 3.  Make your appointment today or contact us if you have any questions!